Hope you are having a lovely day! Today has been another good day, wahoo! I am still feeling very positive and keeping in my mind what I am doing this for. I still haven't found 'the dress' for certain, but I still keep telling myself that regardless of the dress, I do want to be happier and healthier for that day.
Food Diary
Breakfast - Special K with semi skimmed milk (my go-to breakfast!)
Lunch - Pasta with peppers and tomatoes with a table spoon of light mayonnaise
Tea - Homemade chicken curry with boiled rice.
Most of the meals I cook are Slimming World approved, or along those lines! If anyone would like a recipe, or have any they would like to share, let me know! I would love to try some new and exciting meals. As myself and my partner do have very busy weeks, we don't really have time, or want, to spend our evenings slaving over the stove. But we have found quite a few healthy, cook from fresh meals, that don't seem to take a lifetime too cook, or require much cooking skills! I do try to be adventurous from time to time, but when money is tight and time is limited we always seems to reach for the same items at the supermarket! Therefore, as I type I am scanning the internet for some new receipes, and am going to cook atleast one new meal a week, to keep myself interested! I am sure there will be some failed attemps along the way but I will post pictures of any new meals I cook .
Exericse wise, I have not done a whole lot today. I finished work early as the Olympic Torch was going through the town I work in, and walked possibly, a mile, mile and half to see it. Not the most tiring of workouts, but moving nonetheless! Seeing the torch was fantastic, and has got me very excited to see the games begin! Below is a picture of one of the torch bearers running in my local town.
Tomorrow I will attempt another interval run, to help reach my aim of running one continuous mile. Feeling very postive I can do it!
Two days til my first weigh in! Eeek!
Ellie x