Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Day 125 - Tuesday

Wow! The weather has suddenly turned very cold here in England, and I've had to bring out my winter coat. I do love it when the seasons change, but it feels like we've barely had a summer to enjoy!

Breakfast was porridge to keep me warm, and lunch was a small leftover portion of spaghetti bolognese.

This evening we had friends over for tea, it was lovely to catch up with them. I cooked a chicken and pasta dish, with salad and garlic bread. I was complimented by the guests about how tasty it was, so must have done something right! :)

Day 124 - Monday

And my favourite day of the week returns...!

My Nan has given me her old bedroom curtains, and they are such a lovely colour I couldn't bear to sell them! So today I went and brought some black out fabric and am planning to see it to the back of the fabric and put them in our bedroom.

Check back for my DIY progress! :)

Food Diary - Weetabix with banana
Lunch - Ham salad
Dinner - Spaghetti Bolognese

Day 123 - Sunday

Not much to report today guys!

Attempted to finish off the garden but realised we didn't get enough gravel, but it is looking good!

My parents came round in the afternoon and we enjoyed an Indian takeaway for tea. I stuck to vegetable pathia with salad and mint yoghurt. It was so tasty!

Day 122 - An Eventful Day

Sorry I've been MIA the past few days guys - it's been manic! I'll start from where I left off...

Saturday was abit of a rubbish one! We started the day gathering supplies to finish off the garden, and when we went to collect some tools that my partner uses for work, realised all of their work tools had been stolen out of the van. Not a great start!

Because our minds were elsewhere when we had to leave ours to go an sort the van out and speak to the police, we forgot to grab our house key... and locked ourselves out. Not a good day!

As our luck would have it everyone we had given a key to our house couldn't find theirs either, so after attempting to get in through the front door we had no option but to smash the back window in and climb through.

Not a good day!

We spent the rest of the day doing th garden and then went to a house party. It ended on a high atleast!

Food -

Brunch - Porridge
Dinner - Pasta with vegetables

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Day 121 - Week 17 Weigh In

Start Weight: 13st 10lbs

Last Weeks Weight: 13st 0.4lbs

This Week: 13st 0.4lbs


Arms - 29cm
Chest - 101cm
Waist - 84cm
Hips - 114cm
Thigh - 62cm


I have been on three power walks this week, done my abs workout twice and done so much housework and sorting the garden I would've thought i'd lose some weight. :(

Time to up the ante!