Thursday, 20 September 2012

Day 119 - Steps Appeal

Is it not the weekend yet? This week is going sloooooooww!

My day started good, with a bowl of porridge to keep me going. I lasted until about midday when I then had two satsumas to keep me going until lunch... which was only an hour later! I am terrible at waiting for food!

My lunch was leftovers from last nights spaghetti bolognese, it was taaaasty! I could eat this meal all day long.

My sweet tooth got the better of me in the afternoon though and I caved.

I've not had skittles for ages, and they tasted amazing! I made sure I went for a walk after work to burn the calories off and set myself a little challenge. There is a wood near our house which have alot of steep steps in, and I decided to challenge myself to going up and down them twice, as fast as I could. It was intense, and I was shattered afterwards, but it helped get my heart rate up and it felt good that I complete my mini challenge! I got the other half to take some shots of me whilst I ran up and down the steps... excuse the unattrative action shots!!

There are more steps than the pictures show, it loops round at the top. I plan on doing it again in a day or two, it's not quite Santa Monica steps, but it's an alternative!

For tea we enjoyed a lovely homemade Chicken Curry for tea with boiled rice. It was very tasty and hit the spot!

A perfect way to finish the day!

Hope you are all having a good week x

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