Well, it has arrived again! I jumped on the scales this morning, and after the week I had I thought I would've put on, but luckily I have stayed the same. Not what I would've hoped, but I know I have had far too many treats this week so I only have myself to blame!
Weight - 13st 7lbs
I have also taken my measurements, just incase there were any changes there!
Last weeks measurements were;
Arms: 31cm
Chest: 100cm
Waist: 88cm
Hips: 116cm
Thigh: 66cm
And this weeks are;
Arms: 30cm. Lost 1cm!
Chest: 100cm
Waist: 88cm
Hips: 115cm. Lost 1cm!
Thigh: 65cm. Lost 1cm!
I am chuffed that the weight seems to be going, even though the scales didn't say so! As of today I am back on the diet, with no exceptions! This week I was meant to do alot more exercise than I have actually done, therefore I need to make up for it this week. And I've not forgotten about running that mile! I WILL be doing it this week, come rain or shine!
Yesterday I went wedding dress shopping, and tried on several dresses that were absoloutly gorgeous, but still didn't get 'that' feeling. There is one dress that I have tried on a couple of times now, which I really like, and I am going back to that shop today to order the bridesmaid dresses, so will probably have another try on of the dress! I think I am too scared to say it's 'the' dress incase I change my mind, or see another that I love once I've ordered it! Have any of you been in the same boat? I have plently of time to order it, but would love to say it is ordered, another box ticked!
Another problem I have had when dress shopping is the sizes of the dresses. In every shop I have been in the majority of the dresses are in a UK size 10 or 12, however they are not your typical size 10 or 12. As most women will find out, wedding dress 'sizes' are smaller than your normal clothes sizes. And so for us curvyer women, trying to fit into a size 10 dress, that should actually be labeled a size 8, is near enough impossible! I know there are plently of women out there who would not struggle getting into these sizes dresses, but would you not think to stock larger dresses, say in a size 16, to give more women the chance to fit into them?!
I am a size 14, which is BELOW the UK's average woman's dress size, and it baffles me why bridal shops don't take this into consideration? You are meant to enjoy every second of trying on wedding dresses, and feel amazing in them, but when they don't fit, and you are having to expose the back for all to see as they can't be done up, it is not even close to the experience I was hoping for! I suppose this does encourage me more to lose weight, however I know I am not the biggest woman, by a long shot, so how do larger women feel when they go shopping for the most important dress of their life? It upsets and angers me how it makes women feel when they are meant to enjoy every second of the experience. RANT OVER! :)
Sorry for the rant! I hope you all have a great weekend, we are off to order bridesmaid dresses today (eeek!) and Ludlow to visit family! I will back tomorrow will more tales of my journey!
Ellie x
P.S. - I forgot to take any pictures today, so here are a few encouraging quotes for you guys!
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