Thursday, 30 August 2012

Day 98

Who knew you could lose weight from your fingers?!

Well guys, it seems to be true! My engagement ring, which is about 10 months old is now too big for me. It has fallen off a few times and you can see from the picture that it is definitely a little to big for my shrinking fingers! Back to the shop we go!

Today I had to wait in at home for our new fridge to be delivered, ours broke the other day and we have been having to made do with a smaller 'beer fridge' in the mean time. In happy with our new fridge and hope it lasts just as longer, if not longer, than the last one! (the previous lasted over five years, an it was second hand!)

Food wise was a good day, I had poached eggs for brunch and salad pitta bread for my tea.

All in all, a good day!

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Day 97

Food -

Special K with semi skimmed milk

Tomato and basil soup

Spaghetti bolognese

Exercise -

60 minute walk

Thumbs up! 👍

I good day all round. I spent my day sorting items to sell on eBay, I will link it below if anyone is interested to go and check the stuff out. I've got over 40 items to sell, and I can't believe ow much time it takes to put them into eBay! Hopefully it will be worth it when we have some more money to put in the wedding pot!

Ellie x

Day 96

Today was a national bank holiday in the UK, so (almost) everybody has the day off work. And as usual, on a bank holiday, the weather is pants!

I went to a friends for lunch to catch up and see her new home. She made a lovely lunch consisting of chicken, salad, new potatoes, feta, olives and coleslaw. It was very tasty and healthy - double win!

After that I spent the evening at my parents, as my dad works away in the week so wanted to see him before be goes back. It was a nice chilled evening, and I spent most of it getting cuddles from my niece :)

I didn't get to do any exercise today, however I am hoping all of the lifting an carrying a 17lb baby will make some difference!

Hope you are all well!

Ellie x

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Day 95

Not much to report today!

Went to my parents for a lovely Sunday roast, aren't they just the best meal?! As my parents are also trying to be good we missed out the roast potatoes and stuck to chicken, new potatoes and lots of vegetables. It was delicious!

We then went for a lovely stroll in the evening, as it was so nice. My legs aren't sore, surprisingly, after my log walk yesterday, so we went and took my parents dog for a run in a nearby field. My gorgeous niece came along for the walk too, check out the picture!

Hope you are all well and keeping to your plans!

Ellie x

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Day 94

Food -

I started the day with a bacon sandwich in brown bread. Not the best, but not the worst!

I then did have a couple of biscuits in the afternoon with some tea, I suppose as a celebration of my weight loss (why do I do that?!) and ended the day with a pitta bread stuffed with alas and light mayonnaise. Yum!

Exercise -

We didn't have any plans for today, and we were in need of doing something that ideally wouldn't cost money! So we decided to walk to my parents house, almost 9 miles from ours!

We did the walk, which took almost three hours as we went at a very leisurely pace, which included getting lost a couple of times and an eventful thunderstorm right above us at one point!

It felt amazing on the walk, blowing the cobwebs away and just getting out in the fresh air. We have made a promise to do it more often, so watch this space!

Here are some pictures from the walk, we endured blazing sunshine, clouds, torrential rain and thunderstorms during our outing! Plus stumbling across some lovely cows!