Thursday, 16 August 2012

Day 83 - Keep on Walking...

This walking malarkey is pretty good fun!

After a stressful day in the office there is nothing better than getting those trainers on and pounding the pavement. I find it so destressing to go for a 45 minute fast walk and just forget about the day!

Food was good today, I ate porridge and blueberries again for breakfast. I am really enjoying this for breakfast now (finally managed to break the Special K habit!), and it is keeping me full for atleast 3 hours, an achievement in my books!

Lunch was leftover vegetable curry, YUM!

And dinner was spaghetti bolognese, double YUM!

Sorry for the short post again guys, promise I will be back to normal soon!


Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Day 82 - Food for Thought

Today started well...

This kept me full for well over four hours! That is a huge achievement for my stomach to stay full for that long!

My lunch consisited of broccoli and cheese pasta, a ready made packet but relatively healthy.

And I finished the day with this...


We made enough for me to have the leftovers for my lunch tomorrow, which I can't wait to eat already!

Before we had tea we went for a 30minute walk, which we jogged a couple of minutes of. It was good to get back out and moving again. It was very muggy outside aswell, so the 30 minutes walk felt like twice as long, and we looked very red and sweaty from it afterwards!

I will be going on another walk tomorrow, and doing my abs workout. I am feeling very motivated and eager to reach this weeks targets!

Hope you have all had a great start to the week!

Ellie x

Monday, 13 August 2012

Day 81 - Floral Fun

Wow, 80 days in! Only 285 days til I make that big step and walk down the aisle. Not long to go now! We have had a very 'wedding' weekend, what with visiting the florist and trying suits on. We still have a long way to go (heck, my dress is get to be ordered!) but we are making slow progress, and enjoying the journey along the way!

Before we went to see the florist I decided to catch some of the summer rays. Sometimes there is nothing better than sitting in the sunshine!

After seeing the florist and doing our food shop for the week, we then went onto ANOTHER BBQ, with friends. It was lovely to see them, and their children. Luckily my friend had prepared gorgeous salads and so I devoured most of them, and had a little bit of chicken to go with it. Delish!

We ended the day watching the Olympics Closing Ceremony (sob), and even though I had to be up for 7am this morning for work I did not allow myself to miss a second of the ceremony, so it was quite a late one! We did have a little visitor who came to stay for the Closing Ceremony...

The little fidgit! She is just over four months old now, and does not keep still!!!!

Tomorrow I will be starting my walking again, and I WILL reach my targets for the week!

Day 80 - Suits You!

Busy day today guys!

We (well, the other half) tried on suits for our wedding, and I have to say he looked very fetching! He's a builder by trade, and so very VERY rarely gets that dressed up!

We then went to my parents for a very tasty BBQ. They are both on a healthy eating kick too so we ate jacket potatos, salads with steaks and chicken. Very tasty indeed!

As always, I was so hungry I didn't allow time to take a picture! MUST DO BETTER!

Will be back tomorrow with another update!

Ellie x

Saturday, 11 August 2012

Day 79 - Week 11 Weigh In

And we are here again!

Today's results:

Start Weight: 13st 10lbs

Last Weeks Weight: 13st 3.4lbs

This Week: 13st 3.4lbs

Stayed the same! As much as I would've loved to have lost, I do deserve this weigh in. I promised myself that I would go in atleast two jogs this week. I failed. I promised myself I would keep up my abs workout. I failed. The one thing I did keep up at was reducing my salt intake. I have only cooked with it on a few occasions this week, and have only added it onto two of my meals. Alot less than what I normally do so I am happy with that.

My measurements have also stated the same, and I know this is down to the fact that I have not moved enough this week. I have been on a couple of walks, but nowhere near as much or intense as I need to be doing. I really need to give myself a kick up the backside and as Nike says, just do it!

Has anyone got any motivational tips for me? As I really need some!

Next week I will jog at least twice, and do my abs workout at least three times I have warned my other half he needs to force me to do it I'd I start to show signs of laziness!!!

Hope you all have a great weekend.

Ellie x